by wp_kfbc_dev | Mar 5, 2012 | News & Updates
Here is some preliminary information on the NYC/Long Island High School Mission Trip. Parent information meeting for this trip and camp will be Wednesday, March 21st from 5:30pm-6pm in the Cafe.
by wp_kfbc_dev | Mar 5, 2012 | News & Updates
March marks the appearance of our first Student Ministry Newletter, specifically targeted for parents of students grades 7-12. If you add your email to the subscriber list (by clicking on the link on the right side of the page marked “subscribe” the...
by wp_kfbc_dev | Feb 14, 2012 | News & Updates
Our new Student Ministry MIDWEEK teaching series begins Feb. 29th. We’ll be taking a look at four of Jesus’ miracles that show the scope of his power over this world and try to comprehend: if He has the power to do these things, what can he do in my life?...
by wp_kfbc_dev | Feb 14, 2012 | News & Updates
Katy Students are out of School Monday Feb. 20th so why not get together, eat some food and have some fun! See you in the Cafe @ Noon.
by wp_kfbc_dev | Feb 14, 2012 | News & Updates
As often as we can we like to give students the chance to share prayer requests and pray with and for each other. On these nights we have a time of worship together and break into smaller groups by age and gender and listen to each other share needs and praises then...
by wp_kfbc_dev | Jan 18, 2012 | News & Updates
Welcome Jon Hicks! I am pleased to celebrate with you the coming of Jon Hicks in view-of-a-call as our church’s Minister to Students. Jon is married to Jenny, a high school math teacher. They have two daughters, Maggie and Paige. They will be coming to us from...