M3 Student Camp June 11-15

M3 is a student camp sponsored by the Southern Baptist of Texas that brings together students from all over Texas to hear the Gospel and be challenged to live that Gospel in their homes, schools and activities as well as worshiping together the God who binds us...

March Student Ministry Newsletter

March marks the appearance of our first Student Ministry Newletter, specifically targeted for parents of students grades 7-12. If you add your email to the subscriber list (by clicking on the link on the right side of the page marked “subscribe” the...

New Student MIDWEEK Series Begins Feb. 29th

Our new Student Ministry MIDWEEK teaching series begins Feb. 29th. We’ll be taking a look at four of Jesus’ miracles that show the scope of his power over this world and try to comprehend: if He has the power to do these things, what can he do in my life?...