Student Ministry: Refuge 2013 / Jan. 18-20

Sign ups for Refuge 2013, Jan. 18th-20th start Wednesday, Nov. 14th. Cost: $35 before Jan. 1st / $45 after Jan. 1st  Sign up online, at MIDWEEK, Sunday Morning, or in the church office Refuge is an incredible weekend of discipleship, worship, service and fun. Student...

Katy Area StudentGathering: Sept. 26th

Students from churches in Katy are gathering Wednesday, Sept. 26th at Life Church (26189 Westheimer Parkway) from 7pm to 8:30pm for a Saw You At The Pole Rally. As yo u may know See You At The Pole is the morning of Sept. 26th at 7am at the flag pole on each campus....