Student Mission Arlington Trip July 26th-28th

Don’t miss this great opportunity to serve with some great people for the greatest cause. Hope you can join us for three days of sharing the love of Jesus with people all over the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. It’s only $25 but the deadline to sign up and pay is...

Student Summer Bring Your Own Lunch Schedule

BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH SCHEDULE:                                                                           BYOL starts at Noon in the cafe July 2nd: Indoor Dodgeball July 9th: Boardgame Tournament July 16th: Indoor Whiffleball July 23rd: Bunco! (an awesome dice...

2012 Student Ministry Summer Calendar

Summer Calendar 2012 Printable Version My goal this Summer was to provide lots of opportunities for our students to hang out together, build unity and have fun. These aren’t too many BIG events on our schedule that are often high cost and low involvement- I want...

M3 Student Camp Forms Packet: New Forms Added

Two new forms have been added to the M3 Camp Forms Packet linked on the right side of the screen. If you need to know when we’re leaving, and more juicy tidbits about our trip you will need to take a look at M3 Camp Info Note 2012. We have also added a...

Student Ministry Summer Kick-Off

Battlefield Houston is coming June 6th to turn our building into a laser tag battle ground. Hope you will join us from 6pm-8:30pm as we kick-off the Summer with a laser battle royale- you should probably bring a friend too… We are going to have a great Summer...

Student Camp Forms Now Online

Parents! M3 Student Camp forms are now online here. You will notice that there are two releases that must be filled out for camp; one for the camp and one for the church. Note that the church form needs to be notarized. Carole Crowell is more than happy to notarize...