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First Steps Registration Information - Katy's First

2025-2026 Registration


Please follow the link to schedule a tour:

2025-26 Tours

2025-2026 Registration Information


Currently registered families can begin registering January 8th.  In the 2025-2026 year, we will offer classes for 18 months-5 years. We offer two day programs (M/W and T/Th for toddlers and two’s), three day programs (T/W/Th- Two’s and Three’s only), and four day programs (M-Th-all age groups). The Transition class is 4 days only. Preschool hours are 9:00am-2:30pm Monday-Thursday. If your child has been diagnosed with a food allergy, the Emergency Food Allergy Plan must be included with your Registration paperwork (must be completed by your health care professional).

New Families:

New families can begin applying January 8th, we will be taking the first page of the registration paperwork along with a non-refundable application fee ($20).  Deadline for new families to be considered in the first random lottery is January 31st.  In the beginning of February we will begin the random pick drawing for any spots available after current students re-enroll. You will be contacted if your child is drawn by mid-February, or sooner. New applicants are welcome to register after Jan 31st, however they may need to be put on a waitlist.

2025-2026 First Page Registration

Current Families:

Registration will begin on January 8, 2025. The deadline is January 31, 2025. We will only take completed paperwork again this year. This paperwork includes the Medical Release form (signed by your doctor), a copy of current shot records, Emergency Food Allergy Plan (if applicable), and all fees (May 2026 tuition, Registration and Supply Fees). We will form classes as we receive applications. Our registration forms are linked below.

2025-2026 Registration Paperwork

2025-2026 Tuition and Fees

Food Allergy Emergency Plan

Medication Release Form

If your child has been diagnosed with a food allergy, the Emergency Food Allergy Plan must be included with your Registration paperwork (must be completed by your health care professional).