Pumpkinpalooza Postoned Until Nov. 6th

Due to the threat of inclement weather, Pumpkinpalooza will be rescheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 6th during MIDWEEK from 6pm to 7:30pm. MIDWEEK is still happening tonight from 6pm to 7:30pm in the Cafe. We’ll be playing some group games and having fun. Join...

Student Ministry Update :: Oct. 28th-Nov. 3rd

FSM UPDATE We had a blast Sunday at Jumpstreet! Thanks for joining us students- and bringing your friends- it was a great time and a great reward for those who participated in our first Passport Sunday. Check out these great pics from Jumpstreet:   Pumpkinpalooza...

Student Ministry Update :: Oct. 21st-Oct. 27th

FSM UPDATE What awesome week at FSM! Thanks so much to all the students and parents for your support of our first Passport Sunday. We had 38 students studying the basics of their faith Sunday afternoon. Special thanks to my wife Jenny and Linda Campbell for preparing...