Student Ministry Update :: Oct. 21st-Oct. 27th

FSM UPDATE What awesome week at FSM! Thanks so much to all the students and parents for your support of our first Passport Sunday. We had 38 students studying the basics of their faith Sunday afternoon. Special thanks to my wife Jenny and Linda Campbell for preparing...

Last Call: Student Passport Sunday Is Here!

Passport 2 Maturity :: This Sunday :: Noon to 6PM :: $5 Taco Bar Lunch Our new student discipleship program, Passport 2 Maturity, kicks off Sunday- is your student signed up? Sunday’s Base Camp class will focus on The Basics of Scripture, God, Salvation, the...

Student Ministry Update :: Oct. 7th-Oct. 13th

FSM Weekly Update Parents! Thanks so much for taking the time to stay up to date on what’s happening at FSM. Please know that if you ever read anything here that you don’t understand or doesn’t make sense feel free to call or email me. I would love...

Student Ministry Parent Information Link

Several weeks ago First Student Ministry (FSM) hosted a Parent Partnership meeting. As a part of that meeting we asked parents to fill out an information sheet so that we would have the most current ways to contact you, keep you informed and find out how you might...