Discover katy’s first
For the Glory of Christ
For the Strength of the Church
For the Good of the Community
For the Reaching of the Nations
We exist to glorify God by exalting His name, blessing His Church, serving our neighbors, and making disciples of all nations.
Our aim is to magnify the Lord Jesus Christ through gospel-saturated lives that are centered on His Word and His renown. We strive to edify God’s people, help those in our community, and see lost souls saved.

Core Values
The truth and authority of God’s Word are the guide for all of life. Therefore we preach and teach verse by verse, courageously and graciously, only trusting in the Savior of Scripture and never systems made by man.
(Acts 2:42-43, 6:4, 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21, 3:18)
The grace of Jesus, our only hope for salvation, saturates our lives and motivates every aspect of our pursuits. With a clear conscious, we seek to find favor with our brothers and sisters as well as those outside of the faith.
(Acts 2:47, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Ephesians 2:8-9, 2 Peter 3:18)
God has made all humanity to unite in relationships that lead to ongoing spiritual transformation. This lifestyle of discipleship is available in authentic biblical communities, best experienced when members are active in the life of the church.
(Matthew 18:15-19, Acts 2:44-46, 2 Corinthians 13:14, Ephesians 4:1-16, 1 Timothy 1:5, Hebrews 10:24-25, 1 John 1)
Jesus is the only hope for our fallen world. He came to seek and save the lost, built His church to do the same, and is coming again. So we carry out the Great Commission by cultivating lifestyles of personal evangelism with sincere urgency. We are called to take the gospel from Katy to the ends of the earth.
(Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 2:47. Romans 10:9-15, 1 Corinthians 9:22).
Every believer is called to surrender themselves to stewardship. Our time, talents and treasures are gifts of God. We give our TIME by committing to prioritize the weekly gathering in our lives because the church is the only institution that will not fail. We give of our TALENTS because all are called to find a place to serve on mission with God helping others draw near to Jesus, and we give of our TREASURES by giving financial offerings to Katy’s First generously, sacrificially and regularly for the purpose of Kingdom work.
(Matthew 16:18, Mark 10:45, Acts 2:45, 1 Corinthians 12:12, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Colossians 3:17, 1 Peter 4:10)
Our prayer is that every aspect of our worship services honors and celebrates the spirit of unity accomplished by the blood of Jesus. We do this by blending hymns and modern songs that are rich in theology and full of timeless truths. Congregational singing should exalt Jesus while also drawing people to Him. We will never be distracted by a style or personal preference of music, but instead we will always be captivated by the Savior of our worship.
(1 Corinthians 9:22, Ephesians 2:11-19, 5:15-20, Colossians 3:16, Revelation 4:8-11)
Prayer represents the posture of our hearts and lives, which should be fully dependent upon God. Honest, desperate prayer is essential in everything we do, even helping us celebrate all the ways in which God may choose to bring about His glory. As we pray, we are strengthened and reminded that He is always for us.
(Romans 8:26-28, Colossians 4:2, James 1:17, 5:16)
The next step as you get to know our church family is for you to CONNECT with us in smaller settings. These informal times of fellowship allow you to engage with our church on a personal level. You will find community and encouragement as we seek to follow the Lord together.
At Katy’s First, we stress the fact that we are designed to live the Christian life with others, but we also recognize that relationships aren’t built overnight. The best way to develop rich friendships is to find your place within our family of faith.
We have specific ministries based on life stage and your particular needs. Our goal is to provide opportunities for you to grow in the faith, meet new folks, and see how you can serve. You are welcome to try out different groups, events, and Bible studies. In fact, we encourage it! We want you to feel at home and comfortable as you follow the Lord’s leading.
If you’ve been able to DISCOVER and CONNECT with our Katy’s First family, we’d love to hear from you and better know how we can serve you. GUEST FORM LINK
God designed life to be lived and shared with others. We are created to belong in biblical community, and the Bible explains that local churches are the foundation for healthy fellowship.
Scripture teaches that church membership is vital for every Christ-follower. With the exception of extraordinary circumstances, God desires for His people to connect with other believers in authentic relationships, grounded within the context of belonging as a member in a local Bible-believing church.
Investing as a member in a specific congregation is essential for churches, pastors, and individuals. For the church, the group is edified as they know who is growing and serving alongside of them. For a pastor, he is helped as he knows who is under his care and he is able to discern how he can specifically care for each Christ-follower. For the individual, belonging to a local church clarifies which shepherd God has provided for them.
Our church staff is dedicated to helping you navigate and forge authentic biblical relationships as part of the Katy’s First family. Our prayer is that you will find us to be a place where your soul is fed and your heart is cared for. As the Lord leads you to BELONG at Katy’s First, you will be known and you will find ways to use your gifts for Christ’s Kingdom.