First Student Ministry: FALL KICK-OFF

Wednesday, August 28th is our FALL KICK-OFF for MIDWEEK, FSM’s Wednesday meeting for 7th-12th grade students. We hope all of our new 7th graders will join us this week and be as excited to be here as we are to have you become one of us! MIDWEEK is a time of fun,...

First Student Ministry Fall 2013

We are so excited about what is happening this Fall at FSM! Below is a calendar of our  youth events for the semester and some explanation about some of our newer opportunities on this year’s schedule. Print out a copy for your refrigerator or bulletin board and...

Students: FBC Taos Mission Trip Packing List

Final countdown to Taos Mission Trip departure! Here is our packing list and some final instructions. If you have questions, please contact Jon Hicks via cell phone or Facebook message. Hope you are ready for a great week! Below are student responsibilities for VBS:...