Community Groups
Community Groups are foundational in forging Authentic Biblical Community at Katy’s First.
Authentic Biblical Community
A connection of fully devoted followers of Jesus together in real relationships that lead to ongoing spiritual transformation.
Community Groups
These groups are where we live out community and shepherd one another as members of our Katy’s First family. We believe these groups are essential for carrying out the “one anothers” of Scripture. Because of this, membership is required before belonging to a Community Group.
We all know what it feels like to be a number instead of being known. We also know how discouraging it can be when relationships prove to be artificial instead of authentic. The Bible says this was not God’s design.
God created life to be lived and shared with others. We were created for a belonging in AUTHENTIC BIBLICAL COMMUNITY. All people should be able to experience this community at a Bible-believing church.
Our leadership is dedicated to helping you navigate and forge authentic biblical relationships as part of the Katy’s First family.
What is a Community Group?
These groups are where we live out community and shepherd one another as members of our Katy’s First family. Community Groups are foundational in forging Authentic Biblical Community at Katy’s First. They are groups of people (singles or couples) that intentionally meet 2 to 3 times a month outside of church gatherings to love one another, serve one another, stir one another on and bear one another’s burdens.
How do I join a Community Group?
The first step toward joining a Community Group is that you BELONG as a member of our Katy’s First family. Membership is a prerequisite because we believe these groups are essential for carrying out the “one anothers” of Scripture. Click here to Request Membership.
After becoming a member, you can fill out the following form – JOIN A COMMUNITY GROUP. This allows us to get to know about you, your family, and your availability. We will then contact you and help you find a group that works best.
Why do I have to be a member of Katy's First to join a Community Group?
Church membership is assumed throughout the bible, and we at Katy’s First value the membership of a believer to a local church. Membership matters at Katy’s First, and Community Groups are one of the many privileges members participate in when they BELONG in partnership with us.
A Community Group is where authenticity of life is on full display, burdens are shared, encouragement is embraced, and sin is confessed. We believe this level of vulnerability calls each person to have a level of committed belonging at Katy’s First.
What do Community Groups do?
The Function: Community Groups gather intentionally and regularly as fully devoted followers of Jesus together in real relationships to experience ongoing spiritual transformation. Consistent attendance and engagement by all members are vital for heathy Community Groups.
The Form: While the function of ALL Community Groups is identical, the form will vary based on the makeup of each group. After the first six sessions*, at a minimum, Community Groups gather for fellowship, which according to Scripture may include an ongoing combination of
- Study of God’s Word – this can be a specific Bible study, reading and discussing through a specific book of the Bible, Right Now Media video series, etc.
- Praying for each other
- Accountability through Spiritual Diagnostics:
- How have you recently fed your flesh? (challenges of sin)
- How have you recently fed your soul? (nourishment from God/His word)
- How have you recently had a spiritual conversation with someone who may be spiritually far off? (evangelism/engaged missionally)
*All Community Groups will complete “Six Core Values of Biblical Community” as a launching point over the course of their first six gatherings. Order your copy here.
How does the church leadership facilitate Community Groups?
Each Community Group has a designated “leader.” This person is not expected to lead your Community Group as a Bible study teacher would. Rather, they are our contact to evaluate the health and progress of your Community Group. These leaders check in with our staff throughout the year to ensure your group is gathering and experiencing authentic biblical community for which God made us.
How are Community Groups assigned?
When you fill out the JOIN A COMMUNITY GROUP form, our pastoral team then looks over the form and helps assign in the way we seem best fits. A few things we look at are life stage, preference and availability, and common interests/personalities.
There is an option to list names of others that you would like to be together with in a group. While this isn’t always possible, we will do our best to fulfill your request.
Because we believe that community is forged, not found, no matter who is in your group, when members are intentional and remember the commonality we all share in the gospel of Jesus Christ, the reality of authentic biblical community is experienced.
When do Community Groups meet?
Community Groups may typically meet in the evenings, but can meet anytime that works for everyone in the group. We recommend meeting 2 times a month for in depth accountability and study, and then 1 gathering a month that is casual and fun, maybe with the kids around enjoying fellowship.
The hope is that these relationships would become family and these gatherings would be saturated and motivated by grace, not legalism.
Is childcare provided for Community Groups?
On a regular basis, childcare is not provided for Community Groups. However, childcare nights may be provided periodically for these groups. Depending on the makeup of a group, your authenticity of life together may include many children of varying ages and needs.
Rather than routine childcare via the church, we see greater value in Community Groups including their children in gatherings and coordinating needed care for one another within their own groups.
This may look like a house full of multiple pack-n-plays for one gathering while moms and dads trade off duties on other occasions.
*If a unique childcare need exists in your group, please have your Community Group leader inform our pastoral team.
Can I bring a friend to my Community Group?
Yes, please do! But only when appropriate.
We love the idea of members using Community Groups as vehicles for biblical hospitality and evangelism. Gathering together for bible studies, meals, or going to the park are great for inviting friends. Other regular gatherings that may be more vulnerable in nature are best reserved for members.