by wp_kfbc_dev | Jan 12, 2015 | News & Updates
After an amazing break during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays it back to school, back to work and back to ministry! We are so excited about Refuge Retreat 2015. We are taking over Cat Spring Retreat outside Sealy again this year for a retreat/DNow hybrid....
by wp_kfbc_dev | Jan 12, 2015 | News & Updates
We are working through a series of four simple family resolutions that can produce significant spiritual fruit in the new year; stop two: 2)Become A Family of Cheerful Givers. This resolution isn’t meant to be a treatise on tithing. As residents of the...
by wp_kfbc_dev | Dec 10, 2014 | News & Updates
Talking About Tragedy Its’ been a difficult couple days for many students in Katy as we learned early Sunday morning about the tragic death of two young people in an auto accident. Like these things often do, this seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute...
by wp_kfbc_dev | Dec 2, 2014 | News & Updates, Uncategorized
NOW this is a COMPLETE holiday schedule, from Christmas break to Midweek’s return on Jan. 7th! Dec. 10th: Midweek Christmas Party, Dec. 17th: Midweek Study Break Dinner and Christmas Movie, Dec. 24th: NO MIDWEEK, Dec. 28th: No Sunday School, Dec. 31st: NO...
by wp_kfbc_dev | Nov 17, 2014 | News & Updates
What an awesome night! Sunday was our annual Turkey Bowl Flag Football Fellowship and man, was it fun! Thanks so much to all the families who came out, brought food and hung out during the games. Yeah, we had to move it inside again, but I’m so thankful for...